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Let's go

ecoline® + experts = success

With its ecoline alloys, Wieland is a driving force when it comes to lead-free materials, recycling, and sustainability. Among other things, we ensure clean drinking water as well as pollutant-free products. Wieland ecoline is the answer you’re looking for to safeguard your future business success – providing unprecedented levels of machinability, formability, efficiency, and economy. Yet our lead-free machining materials alone aren’t sufficient to give you that decisive edge. It’s the expertise and personal commitment of our ecoline experts. We offer you comprehensive advice as you prepare to transition to lead-free alloys. And we remain at your side until everything is up and running – and beyond.

In short, let’s go lead-free!

Our new
lead-free ecoline® alloys

Benefit from the outstanding product and processing properties of our new lead-free ecoline® alloys.

eco SZ3®

the ideal alternative to CW614N and CW617N

eco KS2®

the alternative to CW113C

  • Optimal machinability
  • Recycling loop compatible with that of other SZ alloys
  • Excellent hot formability
  • Maximum efficiency

eco SZ3®

the ideal alternative to CW614N and CW617N

  • Excellent machinability
  • Very high electrical conductivity
  • Excellent cold formability

eco KS2®

the alternative to CW113C

Find it faster!

Substitute your present lead-containing alloy with the lead-free ecoline® equivalent. Simply enter the product name in the field below.

ecoline® Wieland alternative EN alternative UNS alternative Note
eco GS1®GD1CC499K
eco KS2®KC1CW113CC18700
eco KS4®K41C19150, C19160
eco BS4®B44CW456KC54400
eco M58®Even lower lead content than eco SZ4®
eco N59®N48CW407J
eco SD4®S40CW713RC67420
eco SW1®Z45CW602NC35330Higher strengths compared to eco SW4®
eco SW3®GD1CC499K
eco SW5®Even lower lead content than eco SW1®
eco SX1®S40CW713RC67420
eco SZ3®Z33CW614N, CW617NC38500
eco SZ4®Z41CW614N, CW617NC38500
eco SZ5®Z29CW612NC37700
ecobrass SW4®Z45CW602NC35330

We found these products for you!

Use our Product Finder to find the right ecoline® alloy for your application.

ecoline® for drinking water installation

Sauber und schadstofffrei - ecoline® für die Trinkwasserinstallation

Erfahren Sie, wie Sie mit unseren bleifreien Legierungen die Qualität unseres wichtigsten Lebensfairs auch unter strengeren Werkstoff-anforderungen sicherstellen.

ecoline® for the automotive sector

Hitzebeständig und verschleißarm – ecoline® für automotive

Starke mechanische Belastung, hohe Temperaturen Werkstoffe für Automobilanwendungen müssen was aushalten. Unsere ecoline Legierungen zeichnen sich durch Eigenschaften wie hohe Festigkeit und Verschleißbeständigkeit aus.

ecoline® for the electrical industry

Leitfähig und hochfest – ecoline® für Elektrotechnik

Elektrische Leitfähigkeit und hohe mechanische Festigkeit sind in der Elektrotechnik entscheidende Faktoren. Wir finden mit Ihnen den passenden Kupferwerkstoff für Ihre elektrotechnische Anwendung.

ecoline® for accessories

Gesundheitlich unbedenklich - ecoline® für Accessories

Dank unserer bleifreien ecoline Legierungen sind Produkte wie Uhren, Schmuck, Brillen oder Blasinstrumente gesundheitlich unbedenklich und geben Ihren Kunden ein gutes Gefühl.

We found these products for you!

  ecoline® Alloy type EN designation EN designation no. ASTM/UNS no. Machining index Cold forming Hot forming IACS Dezincification resistant Regulations Wieland alternative EN alternative UNS alternative Note
eco GS1®Casting alloyCuSn4Zn2PS-C-GCCC470KN/A70%N/AN/AN/Aaccording ISO 6509DWD, SDWAGD1CC499K
eco KS2®Wrought alloy – high copper alloyCuSPCW114CC1470080%excellentfair90N/ARoHSKC1CW113CC18700
eco KS4®Wrought alloy – high copper alloyCuNi1SP70%goodfair50N/ARoHSK41C19150, C19160
eco BS4®Wrought alloy – Phosphor bronzeCuSn5NiPS70%goodpoor14,7N/ARoHSB44CW456KC54400
eco SW1®Wrought alloy – special brassCuZn21Si3PCW724RC6930090%goodexcellent8according ISO 6509RoHS, ELVZ45Focus for high tensile applications
eco SW5®Wrought alloy – special brassCuZn21Si3PCW724RC6930090%goodexcellentN/Aaccording ISO 6509REACH Annex 17Even more limited lead content compared to SW1
eco SZ3®Wrought alloy – BrassCuZn40SiPN/AC6833090%poorexcellent23N/ARoHS, ELVZ33, Z41CW614N, CW617NC38500
eco SZ5®Wrought alloy – BrassCuZn40CW509LC2745075%fairgood25N/ARoHS, ELVZ29CW612NC37700
ecobrass SW4®Wrought alloy - special brassCuZn21Si3PCW724RC6930590%goodexcellentN/Aaccording ISO 6509DWD, SDWAZ45CW602NC35330
eco SW3®Casting alloyCuZn21Si3P-C-GCCC768SC8785080%N/AN/AN/Aaccording ISO 6509DWD, SDWA
eco SD4®Wrought alloy - special brassCuZn37Mn3Al2Si*45%poorexcellentN/AN/AELVS40CW713RC67420
eco SX1®Wrought alloy - special brassCuZn31Mn2SiAl*70%goodexcellentN/AN/AELVS40CW713RC67420
eco N59®Wrought alloy - Nickel silverCuNi9Zn41FeMn*50%fairgood10N/ARoHS, REACH Annex 17 (Pb)N31, N32, N37, N48CW400J, CW406J, CW408J, CW407J
eco M58®Wrought alloy - BrassCuZn42CW510LN/A50%poorexcellentN/AN/AREACH Annex 17, CPSIA
eco SZ4®Wrought alloy – BrassCuZn42CW510LC2850085%poorexcellent25N/ADWD, SDWAZ41, Z33CW617N, CW614NC38500

X different alloys – and one that’s exactly right for you.

There’s lead-free and there’s lead-free. After all, one alloy that’s designed to fit all can’t possibly meet your highly individual requirements. That’s why we at Wieland have come up with a range of lead-free products – products that are just right for applications in specific industries or at specific customers. Together, we’ll check out which ecoline alloy is the perfect fit for your particular needs.

More information

Economical processing

  • Corrosion resistance
  • Excellent hot and cold formability
  • Electrical conductivity
  • Mechanical properties

Environmentally friendly

  • In line with the application-specific requirements for lead-free materials
  • 100% recyclable
  • Recycling loops compatible

Broad property profile


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Thema Recycling-Kreislauf


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Thema Recycling-Kreislauf


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Thema Recycling-Kreislauf


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Gute Leitfähigkeit

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Broad property profile

  • Corrosion resistance
  • Electrical conductivity
  • Mechanical properties

High availability

Convince yourself of the excellent machinability of our ecoline® materials

Insight into our lead-free machining materials using the example of eco SZ3®

All of our lead-free alloys come in a package with a highly motivated ecoline® expert.

Find it faster!

With our expertfinder, you will find the right ecoline expert for your application.

ecoline® expert for
water installation
ecoline® expert for
automotive sector
ecoline® expert for
electrical industry
ecoline® expert for

Christian Erb

Application Engineering

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Melanie Tabka

SBU Manager Sanitary & Building | Machining Brass & Specialties

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Matthias Böhringer

Director Application Engineering

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Daniel Riester

Sales Director | Machining Brass and Specialties

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Michael Schuster

Application Engineering

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Melanie Tabka

SBU Manager Sanitary & Building | Machining Brass & Specialties

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Matthias Böhringer

Director Application Engineering

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Daniel Riester

Sales Director | Machining Brass and Specialties

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Thomas Schuster

Application Engineering

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Dominik Aubele

SBU Manager Electronics | Machining Brass & Specialties

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Matthias Böhringer

Director Application Engineering

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Daniel Riester

Sales Director | Machining Brass and Specialties

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Matthias Hucker

Application Engineering

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Johannes Ziesche

SBU Manager Specialty Products | Machining Brass & Specialities

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Matthias Böhringer

Director Application Engineering

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Daniel Riester

Sales Director | Machining Brass and Specialties

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Christian Erb

Application Engineering

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Melanie Tabka

SBU Manager Sanitary & Building | Machining Brass & Specialties

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Matthias Böhringer

Director Application Engineering

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Daniel Riester

Sales Director | Machining Brass and Specialties

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Thomas Schuster

Application Engineering

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Dominik Aubele

SBU Manager Electronics | Machining Brass & Specialties

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Matthias Böhringer

Director Application Engineering

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Daniel Riester

Sales Director | Machining Brass and Specialties

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Michael Schuster

Application Engineering

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Melanie Tabka

SBU Manager Sanitary & Building | Machining Brass & Specialties

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Matthias Böhringer

Director Application Engineering

get in touch

Daniel Riester

Sales Director | Machining Brass and Specialties

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Matthias Hucker

Application Engineering

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Johannes Ziesche

SBU Manager Specialty Products | Machining Brass & Specialities

get in touch

Matthias Böhringer

Director Application Engineering

get in touch

Daniel Riester

Sales Director | Machining Brass and Specialties

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Talk to our experts about how to make the switch to lead-free ecoline alloys. Simply fill out the contact form or contact one of our experts directly.

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